Thursday, April 29, 2010

Literacy Day

Today at the ECC (Early Childhood Center) where Makenna goes for school, they had literacy day. It was based on Curious George and they even had someone dressed up as Curious George and another staff member dressed as the Man in the Yellow Hat.

Makenna really enjoyed seeing Curious George and kept saying, "Hi Curious George" and she also got a chance to high-five and hug him. Then she said I had to do that too, so I did. What was coincidental was that all this week, Makenna wanted to watch Curious George movie (over and over).

The bad news was that at some point her happiness switched to misery. I had taken off work today so I could enjoy this day with her, and at some point it was as if she knew it was getting close to the time for me to go. She just sprawled out on the floor screaming while I was trying to get her to join in the singing and dancing portion. So I took her out for a time out and to calm her down.

That's when the whole, "I don't feel well" started. It drives me crazy that she tries to use this excuse to get out of things. I just see a long road ahead paved with this excuse. I tried to explain to her that she was "fibbing/lying" and that if she didn't want to do something, she had to say that, and not tell me she wasn't feeling well. That didn't work...I have to remember she's three and a half, not ten. Again, how do you explain lying to a child of her age?

I, as usual, told her that if she didn't feel well, that she wasn't going to have her movies, TV or go outside. She said she just wanted to go to bed. I guess my bargaining chip is waning and I'll have to come up with something new.

I did eventually leave and they told me later that she was okay shortly after. I unfortunately forgot to bring my camera....rats!

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